Friday, December 25, 2015

Reason for the Season

I'M BACK!!! I had essays, finals, and writer's block keeping me away, but no longer! I am back, and with vengeance! (For a moment anyway, we'll see how soon I post again after this. XP) Anywho, I just wanted to take a minute and wish you all a merry Christmas and encourage you to remember the true reason for the season. I know it's easy to get swept up in the gifts and stress of getting everything together for the holidays, believe me I do. But just take a minute right now, take a deep breath, and remember Christ's birthday, and then go spend some time enjoying family and friends.

That's all for now, Merry Christmas! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, happy December 25th! :-D


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Senior year...

This post is for anyone to read, not that I can particularly control that, it is on the internet after all, but directed toward my fellow highschool seniors. I don't know about you, but senior year has been pretty rough for me, especially as of late. I've been pretty stressed, and on the verge of tears a fair bit this week ( I am not a person that cries often. It takes something big or several smaller things to really make me cry.). I just want you guys to know if you are having a hard time with senior year, you aren't alone. If you aren't that is fantastic, congratulations, keep doing whatever you're doing to not make it rough. 

So anyway, yeah, senior year is kinda been difficult. (Mandatory) Schooling is over in six months. Even though most of my schooling has been at home, junior and senior years I've been at a "regular school", and I've gotten used to it. And some of my homeschooling friends may holler at me and say homeschooling isn't irregular. I'm not saying that, all I'm saying by "regular" (in quotes, mind you) is that it's a school you get up early every morning and you are at a building for academics all day every day. Homeschooling is wonderful, I simply need a way to differentiate. Anyway, my current school is now my norm, and regardless of how I am finishing school, it's over in six months. Then I go off to college. Possibly a couple hours away, possibly close enough I would still live at home and commute, I haven't really decided yet. 

College, That's a new thing. Kind of an intimidating thing. And if you're a senior (or anything really) and haven't figured out what college to go to yet, or what you want to do with your life, that is a-okay. I just very recently started thinking about college and life after highschool. 

I feel like I'm just sort of rambling on, I may not be, but I feel like it so I probably am. Lists help me keep things in order. Therefore...

Things stressing me out at the moment:

  • Homework- more specifically, my CCP* course. College level English is not an easy thing, especially  when it is A) meant for (I believe) two semesters and is being done in one B) mostly writing essays, which I really do not enjoy C) giving me a bunch of homework. I typically don't have a whole lot of homework, but I do for this class! -_- College professors like to think you're some sort of superhero or that you don't have any other classes. Or both. For most people, this is untrue. So college courses are always fun. :-s
  • School ending/graduation/potentially losing contact with my friends I've made at school. -This tends to happen, life just gets in the way and you fall out of contact with 99.7% of people you considered friends in highschool. This happened with my co-op I did for freshman and sophomore years of highschool. I had some awesome friends, and life just got in the way, and I don't talk to them anymore. Occasionally we'll see each other and exchange a 'hey, how's it going?' but that's not a conversation with a friend like I used to have. 
  • My entire reality changing- moving onto college, moving out, whether it be to dorms or my own place, having to take care of all the chores. It'll be easier for one person than having six people in the house, but nonetheless. Now don't get me wrong, I'm excited to move on in life; have new adventures, meet new people, maybe get married. But it's also a very daunting thing.
  • Trying to balance life in general- I'm really trying to finally get my room put together after moving in this summer, and I'm so close, but haven't had much time. I have a social life I enjoy participating in. I also was trying to do NaNoWriMo to an extent, that just didn't really go well at all. SLEEP. I think most, or all, teenagers are balancing on the brink of not having nearly enough sleep. Family, I love 'em, they get really annoying at times. I am quite glad I have my own room. .-.
*CCP- College Credit Plus- a program where highschool (maybe younger) students can take college level courses and earn credits at no charge.

Did I scare you younger-than-seniors yet? Joking. (Mostly...) If I did, I apologize, I'm probably overreacting to a lot of this, it comes from being in drama for several years. You have to make sure the people in that back of the audience know exactly what is going on onstage. Thankfully I have my friends, prayer, and music to keep me sane through this mess of madness.

I hope you enjoyed, or at least related?  And just so you guys know, you can always message me if you want to talk, highschool difficulties or not. I'm more than willing to be a listening ear.

LEAVE A COMMENT! (Please?) I want to hear from my readers!
Thanks Google Images!


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Who am I?

So obviously my last post was not an introduction like many (or all) first blogposts are. I don't like sticking to the norms. So here is an actual introduction, the second post.

Who am I? I'm Abby. I recently moved to a farm in Ohio, and hopefully will have some animals soon! Right now we have two barn cats, although one is pregnant, so that number will be increasing soon. And eventually we will have chickens, a dog or two, and (hopefully) I will be getting a horse. (YAY). Big plans, not entirely sure when they all will be happening.

In no particular order, things I enjoy:

  • Harry Potter
  • Horses
  • Books
  • Nature
  • My wonderful(and sometimes crazy) friends
  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Photography
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Designing outfits
  • Doctor Who
  • Fall (except when the weather can't make up its mind!)
  • Pinterest
  • Climbing trees
  • Big, abnormal, and different words
  • Lists
  • Blankets
  • Taylor Swift, Panic! at the Disco, and just music in general

A few things I dislike:
  • Negativity/pessimism 
  • Having a closed mind and not being open to new ideas
  • Being rude and disrespectful
  • When I can't find things
  • Feeling helpless
So yeah. There's a bit about the author of this blog. :-) I hope this was at least semi-interesting? On another note, sorry for the gap in posts, I want to keep up with posting, but being a senior in highschool, school, homework and social life are busy. :-P I also have responsibilities around the house and need sleep at somepoint. (and I may have forgotten about this because it's new....oops...) I will try to post once or twice a week, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.


P.S. I'm not always super creative, especially when I need to be, so leave a comment below about what you want me write about? Thanks guys!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

To whom it may concern...

Dear movie directors/producers that have been making movie versions of books,

     Step up your game please. The movies lately? The have been sad compared to the books. Divergent, Hunger Games, Harry  Potter (These weren't terrible except the Order of the Phoenix), I could go on for ages... There are a million ways they could be better. I'm not writing this letter to be mean, just to ask you to fix these flaws. When you are asked to direct or produce a movie, READ THE BOOK. Sit down and just read a chapter or two a night after dinner. And take notes, I can't stress this enough. Divergent for one. Eric was supposed to have "long, dark, and greasy" hair, essentially Snape's hair for the potterheads. Where does the short, slicked back cut come from??
Even Professor Snape thinks Eric's hair is wrong.

I think there's a slight difference here, what about you? And don't even get me started on Four being British. And Tris' hair in Insurgent? It's shoulder length not a pixie cut. I understand Shailene Woodley had her hair short for The Fault in our Stars, but there are these thing called hair extensions. Or you can wait. A lot of people need to practice patience anyway.

     I will admit, there are some good or okay points, Eric is pierced and tattooed, as he should be. A few more piercings wouldn't hurt, but I'll let it slide. A lot of the places are very accurate, such as the jump.

     If you make a few small changes to your movies (i.e. reading the books, taking notes, finding props/actors/places/costumes that truly follow the book/s) I can almost guarantee you'll have more viewers. All the book nerds would leave the books for a while to see them in action. I'm sure a lot, or all, of them have been very deterred by the recent movies based off of the books. I know I have.
A Book Nerd


Thanks to Google images for the pictures.